I must say, I lol'd.
I must say, I lol'd.
I really liked this.
This is a great game. It's very responsive, and I found myself playing it quite a long time.
A few suggestions though. There should be more than one map. The same one gets old after a while. Also, difficulty settings would be nice. The game does get kind of easy after a while, but when you start it's very hard. Lastly, I think the AI needs some work. Whenever I played Capture the Flag, if I got the other team's flag, everyone on my team started running away from me, back towards our base. Quite annoying >.<
All in all, great game. 5/5
Love it of course.
Played it quite a bit on Xgen, I'm glad it's been brought to NG. However, you should have just gone ahead and put the whole thing here. The demo thing is gonna piss people off that are new to the game.
But again, great game.
Yeah, ok...
Great graphics, good sound (...), and kind of funny. You have talent, but I don't quite understand the attraction to this game. I'm sorry, but I just can't find much entertainment in twisting the nipples of some big fat hairy guy.
You have talent, but this...meh.
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Age 35
Joined on 4/20/06